561 Media

561Media.com Takes The Online Meal Delivery Industry By Storm

If you haven’t noticed lately, online meal delivery companies are popping up all over the country.  Concurrent with the times, people want processes streamlined; the days seem shorter, and as the economy picks back up, people are much busier.   With that being said, culinary and diet experts are joining forces to offer a service that will not only save you time and money, but also get you back in shape.

For most companies, the process is relatively simple; you pick a meal plan that follows your goal, and the company sends you unique meals every week.  For those of you on a specific diet regime, this route is easy to track your nutritional allowance.  Not only do they portion control your meals, but most companies will provide you a macro-nutritional breakdown of each meal.  If you track your diet, this makes life A LOT easier.  No more weighing foods, no more scrambling to find how much protein or carbs are in that piece of meatloaf, it’s all right there for you.

If you’re in the catering, culinary, or diet consulting business and want to try your hand at a meal delivery service, 561Media.com has all of the tools to help your new business get off the ground.     From a custom designed website, to an interactive, easy to use eCommerce solution – we have the answer.  We’ve built industry leading Meal Delivery websites like; Clean CrEATtions, FreshEx. and Deliver Lean and more

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Tags: diet, fit foods, Fitness, food, gluten-free diets, meal delivery, meals for fitness, meals for weight loss, nutrition, online meal delivery, vegan diets, weight loss diet,