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Search Results for personal training

Decision Nutrition

So many people never reach their full potential. What are they waiting for? Maybe they’re waiting for another time, another day or possibly another life. What if I told you I had a plan to share with you that could release the true person that lives within you, the inner you, the real you?

Hi, I’m Michael Annese. Today, with all the distractions of daily life, we sometimes forget to take a look at where we are, where we are going, and where we want to go. Some of us accept our life as fate and let the dreams of who we wanted to become turn into long-forgotten shadows of the past.  I’ve learned that consistent actions lead you to whatever outcome you focus on.  In other words, what you think about repeatedly and what you do repeatedly creates who you are and the life you experience.

Serving as a Battalion Chief for a South Florida fire department, I have the privilege of working with a fantastic group of people every day in a leadership role.  This has afforded me many opportunities to advance my education, attend high-level leadership training and develop real-world experience in personal development.

Today I look forward to the opportunity to present what I’ve learned over time and bring to light my ideas about personal determination, drive, and motivation by introducing you to The VICTORY Cycle.

Welcome and congratulations on the first step to your VICTORY!