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Sales Freaks


Michael Tobias and his ability to grow SalesFreaks!

Michael is an entrepreneur and the President of a large organization having multiple call center locations and enterprises throughout Florida. He has consistently found himself in the role of trainer, public speaker, and salesperson for most of his life; through positions as varied as Senior Commodities Broker, National Sales Director, and Entrepreneur. He has been able to build connections with people in various businesses across fifty states seeing explosive growth. Michael oversaw and built multiple call centers with up to and over 400 employees and produced over 170 million a year in insurance premiums with 5 divisional offices.

Is there a simple way to devise success? If there was could we all make every person we employ successful? Most likely not, right? You see I truly believe that all people have unique innate abilities that must be exposed. Some people have jump shots and some have the gift of gab, and some can close business. We are in a business that requires knowledge in all accounts of success building; such as executive level decision making and as small as knowing who leaves their mug on the company counter collecting dust at night.


Custom Website Design

Our custom website designs include a beautiful home page layout, completely customized for you, along with a custom executed shell to contain all inner pages. All of our custom website designs are built to look and feel professional so that visitors to your site feel comfortable and safe using your service. Every web design is also built to be extremely user friendly.


WordPress started as just a blogging system, but has evolved to be used as full content management system and so much more through the thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes, WordPress is limited only by your imagination. If you would like a Word Press site, 561 Media can customize any theme according to your industry.
Unfortunately, we do not have a testimonial from this client. This could be one of several reasons:
  1. The client was so overwhelmed by the finished product, and the consequent improvement to their business, they have not had time to provide us with a testimonial.
  2. The client provided a testimonial, however, in their enthusiasm used profanity to describe our services.
  3. The client took the old adage “words can’t describe” too literally.
  4. The testimonial was illegible from tears of joy.
  5. The word “love” was used more than 10 times.
  6. The client believed we were too good to be true and dismissed their entire experience at 561Media as a dream.
  7. We had to take a restraining order against the client for excessive, effusive appreciation and cannot violate a gag order.
  8. The client didn’t speak English – (we don’t know what “lo mejor” or “ausgezeichnet” means).
  9. A 300 page testimonial seems overkill.
  10. We thought this was funnier than the client’s testimonial.

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